Electronic Warfare


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Electronic Warfare Training Centers, Saint Mandrier

The electronic warfare training centers train aircrews, intelligence and electronic warfare officers (COMINT, ELINT, personnel working in operational units and in a staff). They propose a wide range of technical and operational training courses drawn from the electronic warfare expertise of the French forces and the intelligence community.

What is Electronic Warfare?

Electronic warfare (EW) aims at detecting, identifying, locating a threat, disrupting or destroying opponent communication networks and systems. This major operational component involves a variety of techniques in an increasingly connected environment; EW is a key element of multimodal operations.

The understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum and the mastery of electronic system capabilities and limits on a theatre of operations are essential to rapidly adapt to a changing electronic environment.


  • High-level instructors
    Expert personnel from the French armed forces (Navy, Army, French Air and Space Force), French defence industry engineers, intelligence community.
  • Transfer of the French armed forces know-how
    acquired over more than 30 years of external operations worldwide.
  • Training syllabuses in line with those of the French armed forces
    in ESM, ELINT, COMINT and electronic warfare specialities.
  • Modern digital and simulation tools
    Mission Active Preparation (MAP), Infra REd Simulation (IRES) software, COMINT, LABVOLT outils, ESTURGEON simulator…
  • Training in France or directly in the partner countries
  • Tailor-made training courses

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