Prepare EW officers with some experience to serve as electronic warfare case / staff officers in the operation cell of a major EW or Intelligence unit, and later act as an EW advisor or manager. At the end of the course trainees will know how to employ EW units in an operational context and synergies with other intelligence sensors. They will increase knowledge on the electronic battlefield environment, mission planning and Intelligence processing and procedures.
Audience & Prerequisites
The course is intended for Electronic warfare officers or officers who have an experience in intelligence collection who are or will be assigned to a staff posting in an EW or Intelligence unit or who will act as an EW liaison detachment/team leader. Trainees should have a basic knowledge on signals and EW.
Up to 20 trainees.
Language: English or Partner’s country language.
Location: France or partner’s country.
Course content
- Electronic warfare and intelligence collection missions.
- Electronic warfare missions.
- SIGINT techniques.
- Electronic warfare handler’s functions.