The training class delivers notions regarding ammunition and explosive safety.
The class gives an overview of explosive safety issues and recalls the main international standards in this field.
The trainees’ objectives at the end of the course are to be able to understand the main rules of explosive safety: ammunition requirements and qualification, quantity distances, ammunition surveillance…
Main objectives are:
- To get an overview about explosive materials and ammunition
- To be aware of safety issues
- To identify the main internationals standards of ammunition and explosive safety
- To identify the main explosive safety requirements in an ammunition acquisition process
- To use the main international standards to calculate distances between buildings in such a way that they are safely located from each other.
Audience & Prerequisites
Up to 15 trainees.
Course content
- E
xplosive materials and ammunitio
- Accidents example
Hazard division and classification
- Ammunition Safety requirements and standards
- Storage rules: “Quantity Distances”
- Ammunition surveillance