Focus on the multiple advantages of this new remote training capability
CIFCA constant objective: train fighter controllers, and reinforce interception technique know-how, with a view to maintaining already possessed qualifications, adapt to new air combat tactics and also stay in line with edited training standards (NATO or national). Regular training helps preparing for the higher qualification and hardening before taking part to a major air exercise.
Distance training does not replace the presential training mode, it complements it, by drastically reducing overall training costs: our customer only has to choose a training slot in the calendar according to his operational availability, the type of mission on which he wishes to train. There is no need to install many screens and have the most advanced micro-processors: with a good internet connexion and current computer equipment, he will be able to start training with the CIFCA instructor!
For all these reasons, CIFCA signed, in May 2022, a partnership agreement with RBORN Software, a French company specialised in online aircraft games. The software used (LOTATC: Lock-On Tactical Air Traffic Control) perfectly meets the current (instruction and training) and future (C2 and tactical data links) needs by its design and the fact that it is simple to use. In addition, it implements the essential safety measures to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, availability of the information and the constant resilience of systems and processing services.