ESA & ETA Trainings - new dates available!
Enquêteur de Sécurité Aérienne (ESA) (French-language training) – Aviation Safety Investigator
IFSA will organize its “Enquêteur de Sécurité Aérienne” course (French language training) from September 9 to October 4, 2024.
This course lasts 4 weeks. It mainly concerns the training of accident investigation bureau investigators who may be called upon to take on the role of Investigator In Charge. It covers the full spectrum of knowledge and skills essential to the investigation of air accidents, whether involving fixed or rotary wing aircraft, as well as UAVs.
It is also intended for experts who will be acting as ACCREPs, Accredited Representatives.
If you are interested in this type of training but delivered in English language, please contact us at ifsa.contact@groupedci.com for further information.

Technique d’Enquête d’accident d’Aviation (voilure fixe) (French-language training) Aviation Accident Investigation Techniques (fixed wing)
The “Technique d’Enquête Accident d’Aviation” course (French language training) will take place from September 9 to 20, 2024, over a two-week period. This course is designed to train risk prevention personnel to analyze major accidents and incidents within their organization, by analyzing the causes and determining recommendations to prevent this type of event from happening again.
The TEA course is also aimed at manufacturers responsible for the design and construction of aircraft components, some of whose experts may be called upon to act as advisors to accident investigation teams.
If you are interested in this type of training but delivered in English language, please contact us at ifsa.contact@groupedci.com for further information.
Do not hesitate to consult our website for further information and click here.
Please not that this communication concerns only french-language courses delivered in september 2024.
Annexe 13 OACI – Enquêteur – DCI-IFSA – GIFAS – STANAG 3531 – ACCREP