- To acquire skills and techniques for interviewing witnesses to an aviation aeronautical event.
- To optimise collective work in meetings in the context of safety management or analysis of aeronautical events.
- To organise and classify the causal origins of events.
Audience & Prerequisites
All personnel involved in the aviation safety process within the framework of SMS, either in charge of conceiving and conducting an accident prevention program or managing risks, taking part in an aviation accident or incident investigation, or having to obtain safety information from individuals or from groups.
Multinational course; English intermediate level (B1/B2).
Duration: 4,5 days- 27 hours
Course content
- Introduction to witness hearings: limitations of witnesses statements, inter-individual communication, adaptive communication styles, obstacles to communication, concordance and discordance, territories and zones, nonverbal communication, body and facial languages, installing and maintaining a witness motivation, managing an interview session, active listening and facilitation, coping with silences and transactions, discussion and questioning techniques.
- Introduction to group communication: meetings and working groups, installing group dynamics, synergy, collective problems solving and decision making.
- Numerous practical exercises and role playing sessions.
- This course uses concepts covered in the ISGS course.
Next sessions
Of. 16/06/2025At. 20/06/202515 Available seatsOf. 01/12/2025At. 05/12/202515 Available seats