Ammunition acquisition process

Reference ARM-033-1222
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The training class delivers notions and basic knowledge regarding explosive safety management in an ammunition acquisition process.

This class aims at facilitating the implementation of the main international standards and recommendations to provide the required level of ammunition safety. The trainees’ objectives at the end of the course are to be able to work in a project management team and to contribute to define the safety requirements and to set up their demonstration for the ammunition qualification.

Main objectives are:

  • To acquire fundamental knowledge related to ammunition and explosive materials.
  • To know the main international standards and recommendations in the field of ammunition and explosive safety.
  • To use the standards to establish requirements.
  • To identify the main elements to pronounce qualification.
  • To have an overview about ammunition service life and disposal.

Audience & Prerequisites

Up to 15 trainees.

Course content

Explosive materials and ammunition:

  • Explosive materials
  • Explosive material applications: munitions, warheads, rocket motors…
  • Accidents examples

Ammunition Safety requirements and qualification:

  • Explosive material qualification
  • Ammunition design recommendations
  • Insensitive Munitions
  • Tests and qualification methodology
  • Risk assessment, risk Reduction and risk acceptance

Hazard division and classification:

  • Transport and storage classification
  • Classification and compatibility

Ammunition Surveillance and disposal:

  • Surveillance Test: Scope and Frequency
  • Service Life Management and Extension
  • Ammunition disposal

International standards and recommendations:

  • UN standards
  • NATO standards